Friday 31 July 2015

Super Mario Maker To Support 99 Amiibos (#67)

It has been confirmed that the upcoming Wii U game, Super Mario Maker will be compatible with 99 different amiibos. No, you didn't read that wrong. NINETY-NINE. That includes every single amiibo known of so far, including Pokemon, Chibi-Robo and many of the Animal Crossing Cards. The only exception is the Mii Fighter amiibos. Now, like me, I'm sure many of you are disappointed with Nintendo after reading this. Seriously? To unlock all of the different costumes in the game, we have to buy 99 amiibo figures and cards? With each amiibo priced at an average of 10 pounds (that's 990 pounds in total! Oh, and my pound key still isn't working, if you were wondering) it's practically impossible for anybody to unlock all the costumes!

But luckily, fear not! Nintendo have said that for those without the figures (pretty much everybody unless you're rich) the costumes will be available to unlock in game without buying anything. Phew. I've spoken about my negative thoughts on amiibo way back in post #6, so I'm so glad that you don't need to spend such an impossible amount of money to 100% the game.

I'm really excited for this game because I can't wait to make some really hard levels for my friends to play and repeatedly fail at, and I would say I'm also excited to play as my amiibo's costume in the game, but considering that the only amiibo I have is Mario and the default character is Mario... um... yeah... I don't think using my amiibo would change anything in the game.


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