Thursday 16 July 2015

One More Day To Summer 2015 (#52)

Today! Is! The! Last! Day! Of! School!

Just savour those words. It's not every day as a high school student that I get to say that after just four more lessons (I usually have five lessons per day but I finished at 1:00pm today instead of the normal 3:05pm), just four of the hundreds of lessons that I've had to endure, with all the writing, the PE (shudder), the mind-torturing, monotonous revising (I've gotta say... I think I prefer the revising to PE...) and the waking up half-asleep at seven o' clock every weekday morning, I'm finally going to be getting six whole long (hopefully) weeks of blissful gaming, long-awaited movies (look out Ant-Man and Fantastic Four!) and sunshine (I'm not going on a proper holiday unfortunately but I should be going to Blackpool for a couple of days I hope!).

Yes, the time has finally come. Summer. Pretty much the absolute greatest time of the year. Sorry Christmas, you're wonderful too, but you have to come second place for this. The lessons I have today aren't really bad at all, either. Let's see, I have (in this order)... Maths, Religion (I'm not personally religious and I used to find this lesson boring but my friends and I usually just mess around and joke in this lesson so it's all good), English, and Science (I would also have ICT if we didn't finish early). I know for sure that in English and Maths my teacher will just let us talk and relax since it's the last day, and my Science teacher might too. There's a good chance my Religion teacher will also, but like I said either way is fine since we don't do much work in that lesson anyway. My Religion teacher's kind of annoying though... yesterday I got sent to another class just for rustling a piece of paper, but that's a funny little story for another time.

I have to say though, as much as I'm gonna love having no school, I will truly miss my friends for the next six weeks, especially since only one lives near me and he's gone to another continent until August 3rd. Plus, when I get back to school, I'll be in Year 10 (ninth grade), which is going to be scary. I'm bad with responsibility. Man, I'm gonna even have to get a job soon, aren't I?

Anyway, I'm about to get dressed, go to the school bus stop and knock this last day out. So wish me luck, and I'll see you later!


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