Saturday 4 July 2015

I Highly Recommend Netflix (#41)

So, most of you reading probably already have an account or at least are friends or family with somebody who has an account on the now highly popular streaming site, Netflix. Netflix is basically a cool site that allows you to watch tons of films and TV shows, and there are some amazing series that are exclusive to Netflix. For example, I'm a big fan of Marvel as you should already know if you've read pretty much any of my previous posts, and on Netflix, you can watch films such as Iron Man 3, Captain America: The First Avenger and more Marvel films plus the series Daredevil (which is an amazing Netflix exclusive). There are also more Netflix series planned for Marvel, which include Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, Luke Cage and the Defenders. The great thing is you can watch all of these plus hundreds more movies and shows for no more than £5.99. And the first month is even free!

Personally, I started using Netflix on the 9th April 2015, which is the date that Daredevil came out. After I finished that I stopped using it for a while but recently I've gotten back into it. I just now finished watching a cool show about superpowers (it only took me 8 days to watch all thirty seven 45 minute episodes... I watched it a lot) and I have plans to try other popular series on there which I may post about in the future.


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