Friday 24 July 2015

I Can't Sleep At All (#60)

So, according to my iPhone, the time I am writing this is 5:03am. No, I didn't wake up insanely early today, in fact it's pretty much the exact opposite. I... haven't gone to bed yet. That's right, I'm still awake at this time in the morning. I just cannot sleep at all.

I have now tried several times to go to bed, but each time I just couldn't drift off. I even felt a little more tired around 3 o' clock but now I feel wide awake. In fact, as funny as this might sound, the sun just rose since it's Summer, so I went outside into the garden at 5am and had a snack.


Possibly more updates tomorrow (today?) about how my sleep schedule is completely doomed, and if I mange to get to sleep at all tonight (this morning?) (my bet is I won't, and I feel very strongly about that). Besides, even if I do... It's morning, for goodness sakes.

Update (14/10/2015): I realise that I wrote 'mange' instead of manage in that last paragraph. But I'm gonna keep it like that because that's pretty funny. I did just eat outside I guess, and since 'mange' is a way of saying 'eat' in French, maybe that explains it? No, probably just a typo...


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