Saturday 4 July 2015

Yet Another Schedule Update... (#42)

Yeah... let me explain myself.

Obviously, you most likely know about how I very, very recently talked about how I was changing my posting 'at least once a day' to 'at least once every three days' because on some days there was just pretty much nothing interesting to talk about, in the world of entertainment news or my personal life. And I'm basically updating it again for the exact same reason.

On some days I just cannot think of anything to say. It's kind of crazy how much I post some days compared to others. I mean, I didn't post yesterday or the day before at all, but today I have three posts to make (there's a third one coming after this). So, instead of the once every three schedules, I'm going to just post when I feel like it and not force anything. But, and this is important: I WILL NOT STOP POSTING. Sorry if that seemed sudden, haha. I just want to make it clear that even though I don't have a set schedule at this exact moment, I definitely want to continue this blog. I really love what's going on with this so far, and I think it's turned out so much better than my past two blogs. I also have proven to myself that I can keep this up and not go too long without updates, so I believe I can trust myself now.

I have also decided that to give me more ideas of things to post about when I can't think of anything relevant, I'm going to start making posts about my personal life other than just when I do something like get a new video game or watch a new movie, which you'll be able to see in my next post about a school trip I went on the other day.

Thomas :)

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