Tuesday 23 June 2015

Apologies! I Have A Terrible Memory... (#32)

Hey guys... sorry for not posting any news updates yesterday. It's not that I couldn't be bothered to post, I just completely forgot because I have an absolutely terrible short term memory, and after putting it off yesterday afternoon it completely slipped out of my mind last night. Oops... heh.

Anyway, while we're on the topic of my practically nonexistant memory, why not laugh at all the misfortune it has caused me? It's been really bad recently. One of the main problems I have with forgetting things is my PE kit. For those who don't live in the UK, PE is basically our version of Gym class. And oh dear goodness how I hate PE, but that's not the point right now, In the past few weeks, I've left my PE kit several different places because I just can't remember to take it from place to place. I've forgotten it in the school library, in the school canteen, and in my form room, meaning I had to go back and get it each time. I've almost forgotten it at home and would have if my mum hadn't reminded me to take it... and, get this! I left it on the school bus the other week, meaning I couldn't do PE that day (at least I got it back later).

This part is really bad. I left my key in the front door of my house recently. TWICE. My mum found it there. No, you didn't read that wrong. I LEFT THE KEYS TO MY HOUSE AND EVERYTHING I OWN HANGING UNPROTECTED WHERE EVERYBODY COULD SEE IT.



Overall, as you can tell, I am pretty hopeless with remembering things, and, let's be honest, it's probably going to be the reason for some kind of fatal disaster knowing my equally awful luck. But oh well, I guess it makes my life pretty funny... anyway, I'll try not to forget to update my blog again. Bye guys.


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