Tuesday 19 April 2016

Sonic Heroes: Completed (#177)

So if I hadn't mentioned it yet, I got Sonic Heroes for Gamecube last Wednesday, and after playing it almost nonstop for the last week, I finally completed it a little under an hour ago. And I have to say; it's probably the hardest 3D Sonic game I've ever played. The game has four different stories to play through (Team Sonic, Team Dark, Team Rose and Team Chaotix), and each story has its own difficulty level and unique quirks. Team Rose is by far the easiest, and is more designed for younger players, but I think the hardest is definitely Team Dark. Team Dark consists of Shadow, Rouge and E-123 Omega (which makes me very excited to play Shadow the Hedgehog, which I'm starting tomorrow) and the levels have a lot more enemies to fight in them than the other stories. in fact, yesterday, I was stuck on a boss for like three hours. It was so horrible, but I completed it eventually. It's the first time in ages that a video game has made me feel so angry. xD


But apart from the sometimes frustratingly hard levels and boss fights, I actually really enjoyed playing Sonic Heroes. It's just a bit long. See, there are fourteen levels and seven boss fights, which doesn't sound like a lot, but you have to play through all of them four times because there are four teams. So technically, you have to play through 56 levels and 28 bosses before you can fight the final two bosses... yeah... so I am glad to be done with the game, but I did like it. The music's great (as with all Sonic games) and the levels were definitely fun. The gameplay was different than other Sonic games and it was pretty cool to try something different.


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