Monday 11 April 2016

My Sonic Gamecube Collection (#170)

So, I'm not sure if I said it yet, but over a week ago I got Sonic Adventure DX for Gamecube. Like I was saying in post #163, I did get Sonic Mega Collection for Gamecube a few weeks ago. Now, since I've been able to play Gamecube games for the past year and a half-ish, and since I'm now getting back into the Sonic series and loving it like I did a few years ago, I thought that I might as well try to get all of the Sonic games I can get now that I can play games for that system. So, after completing Sonic Adventure DX and Sonic Mega Collection (well, you can't exactly complete that game since it's more of a compilation of older games, but I unlocked all the games so that's kind of like completing it) I decided that there were three other 3D Sonic universe games for Gamecube that I wanted to play and had never had the chance to play before: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog. Well, on Friday, I found out that a store in my city had a copy of Sonic Adventure 2 in stock, and since I had nothing to do and it would be cheaper than ordering the game online, I thought 'what the hell' and took the bus. Well, I actually took the wrong bus and sat through a 50 minute bus journey, but it wasn't too bad because I had my phone to keep me musically satisfied along the way, and the bus still went to the same destination after a while.

So I got to the shop where they were selling the game, and sure enough, they had a copy of SA2, for £8.00. I took £15.00, and for a bus return ticket I spent £2. So I had £5 left. Now, the store I went to (CeX, they're fantastic) are the only place I know that actually sell Gamecube games that aren't just online, and for good prices too. So, after looking through the other Gamecube games they had to offer, I saw... Shadow the Hedgehog. For £6.00. At first I was in despair, but... then I realised my mum gave me an extra £2 to take, just in case of an emergency need for money. Holy crap. Thanks mum. So I had just enough to get Shadow the Hedgehog too. So now I have SA2 and Shadow. I already started playing Adventure 2 right when I got home. As for Shadow, I might actually wait until I get and complete Sonic Heroes before I play through it, because Shadow came out after Heroes. Anyway, I'm so happy, and this is like a dream come true. I've always wanted to play Adventure 2, and when I went through the first level, I sang along to the awesome music that I've listened to for years. Actually, one of the main reasons that I wanted to get it as soon as possible instead of ordering it online is because I went back to school on Monday (the 11th) and if I got it online it wouldn't be delivered for a few days, when I'm back at school. So that would suck and I wouldn't enjoy it as much.

Also, the place where I got the game was in a shopping center that I haven't been to since I was like 4 or 5. So lots and lots of nostalgia. It was incredible.


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