Tuesday 25 August 2015

Passing Down The Objection (#80)

Get it? Kind of like passing down the torch? It's not supposed to be a pun, by the way (my life has been severely lacking those lately which isn't really okay) but more of a play on words. Which is the definition of a pun. Oops. Uh. I guess it's more like a metaphor? Wait, no it's not. Um...

Since I started playing AA around the end of May (you really should know what that is by now if you've read literally any posts of my blog) I've inevitably been fanboying about it around everybody at school. Especially my nerd friends, who I've tried to convince to try it out since like the first week of playing it. It's been fairly unsuccessful, apart from two of my (slightly younger) friends who have also started playing the series since I told them about it (seriously, thanks, you guys know who you are and you're awesome).

Well, after weeks of trying to get him to play it, even after telling him that he should at least try it out, I finally got my best friend to try out the series when he came to my house after being on vacation a couple weeks ago. And, as much as he can try to deny it, I know he really enjoys playing it. Now, each time he comes over, we play through a section of the first game that I downloaded on the Wii Shop Channel, and I plan to get the second and third on there for us to play soon. We're currently on the second investigation day of case 4.

How I felt when I got my friend to finally try AA and
 he now loves it.
So yep, I've totally got my best friend to play it at last, and like I suspected, he loves it. Ace Attorney really is one of those series that nobody is interested in until they try it, and then they become a massive fan of the series. Happened to me too. It's nice to objectify one of my friends. Wait, what?! Make that objectionify.

He can deny loving it, but IT'S NO USE!!!!
(Sorry to bring back memories of that fight in
Sonic 06)

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