Monday 24 August 2015

Layton VS Wright, It's Time! (#79)

Oh, by the way, there are a few spoilers in this post for Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright.

My god, I'm so excited! After having it next to me for literally a month, it's finally time for me to play Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney! Aaaaaa, I'm so hyped! Well, technically I've already started it. I couldn't help it. Last night, I played the prologue, A Dark and Stormy Night, and stopped playing exactly where it ended. Seriously, it looks so beautiful so far. So many mysteries and questions that will be answered. And it's so amazing to play a game with two amazing video game protagonists, Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright, coming together to seize the truth. Just.... aaaaaaawwwww, yeessss.

I haven't got to the part where Layton and Luke meet Phoenix and Maya yet. See, the prologue is a Professor Layton gameplay section, meaning the game starts off just like a normal Professor Layton game without anything from Ace Attorney. I love how gameplay and style from both series will be incorporated into the game, and even though I have only played as Layton and Luke so far, I get the feeling that I'll be playing as Phoenix and Maya soon, as you see them on an airplane near the beginning of the game just before the logo. Something else that's awesome is that when you first play as Layton and Luke, the music in Layton's study is a song from an Ace Attorney game (the first game I think) but has been remixed to make it sound like something you'd hear in a Layton game.

Oh, speaking of which, I like that there's a ton of cutscenes so far in the game. Yes, I know that Dual Destinies and all the Professor Layton games have cutscenes so it's nothing new, but there have been a lot so far and I'm really enjoying that. Anyway, I'm sorry, but I can't resist any longer -- I need to get me some more Layton V Wright. Bye!


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