Thursday 27 August 2015

Japan Goggles! Not Literally Goggles! (#83)

So, apparently there's a Google Translate app (of course I don't know this despite having an iPhone for three plus months) which is very handy to download instead of me Googling Google Translate on Google whenever I need to Google a translation. ...Count the Googles in that sentence. Wow.

But something really cool about the app is the fact that you can take a picture of words in a language you don't understand and the app will recognise them and translate them. This includes Japanese kanji, meaning I can now utilise the Japanese option on the Ace Attorney Trilogy and Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (along with several other games in the series I think) by taking a picture of the Japanese text bubbles and having the app translate it for me. Sure, it's not the smoothest way to play the game, and the app's not completely reliable, but it's still cool. For example, before I took a picture of the title for 1-1 (this is how us Gyakuten nerds refer to AA games; 1-1 means the first case of the first game) which is The First Turnabout, and the translation read 'The First Reversal', which is pretty accurate.

Translation: '.... Damn! Why is this happening to me ....'



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