Sunday 15 November 2015

Ultimate Mysterio: Lookin' Awesome (#142)

So you know how I said I was reading the Ultimate Spider-Man comic book series? Well, I finished reading all 133 issues in Volume 1 (2000-2009) last night (technically this morning since it was around 2:30am) plus the three annuals and the special 'Wizard 1/2' issue or whatever it's called. Oh, I also read all sixteen or so issues of Ultimate Marvel-Team Up since Spider-Man is pretty much the main character in that series and it also features the first appearance of Ultimate Lizard who doesn't really appear in Ultimate Spider-Man properly. Plus, I read the five-issue Ultimatum series which sucked and I can see why people say it's possibly the worst comic event of all time. they just kill off a stupid amount of beloved characters needlessly and it doesn't feel genuine or realistic like other comic stories where people die.

Anyway, after reading the two issue Ultimatum: Spider-Man Requiem (which was a lot better than Ultimatum itself and really makes J. Jonah Jameson a much more heartwarming and redeeming character) I started reading Ultimate Spider-Man Vol 2 and I read issue 1 about an hour ago and am about to start issue 1. Spoilers if you haven't read it, though most of you probably don't care since it came out in 2009: this issue marks the second appearance of Ultimate Mysterio since the third annual and his character seems very cool so far. Within seconds of him showing up he kills the Kingpin (finally somebody got rid of that law-avoiding, crime boss piece of crap!) which leaves the issue with a great and sudden cliffhanger. He also looks very different to his Earth-616 character (that's the mainstream universe for you marvel scrubs) as instead of wearing a fish bowl and cape (sounds funny when I say that, actually) he has a black costume and a blue head of flame. Woah.

Mysterio always was one of my favourite Spider-Man villains,
mainly because of his cool appearance and vivid colours.
A lot of Spider-Man's enemies are like that, which is
why I love his Rogues' Gallery so much.
He looks even more mysterious here. I
love how Earth 1610's (the Ultimate Universe's)
villains are all different to their mainstream
counterparts in appearance and personality, but
still stay true to their original versions in some ways.

I also have a few issues of Ultimate Spider-Man collected in a volume I got a few years ago called Death of Spider-Man: Prelude. I barely understood any of the plot when I got it since I hadn't read any issues of Ultimate Spider-Man before, but the issues I'm reading now lead up to that so I'll probably read that when I get to it. I might post a picture of it sometime to show you what I'm talking about.


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