Monday 23 November 2015

My Thoughts On: Jessica Jones - Part 1 (#146)

Okay, here we go with my second 'My Thoughts On'. It's been a while since I did one of these (almost a hundred posts, actually) and I thought I'd try another. Originally I had planned to make more of these whenever I watched (or maybe played, but mostly watched) new things that had recently been released, like movies and such. Since I watched the last episode of Marvel's awesome new Netflix show, Jessica Jones, around two hours ago, I thought it might be nice to do another one of these posts. If you have no idea what a 'My Thoughts On' post is, I don't blame you since the only other one I've done before was published back in July. It was about Ant-Man, and if you want to check it out, you can find it here. However, if you don't feel like looking at that, don't worry, it's really simple. These posts are just my opinion about recently released things that I'm interested in and have watched. They're basically reviews, except like I said, these are MY OPINION, so you might feel completely different about what I'm writing about. These posts are mainly going to be positive anyway, especially since when I make them (I won't do them often since I don't want them to get repetitive and overused) I'll probably be talking about stuff I enjoyed a lot, rather than didn't. But I might make some about stuff that I hated or was heavily disappointed by. We'll see.

Now that that massive opening paragraph is done, let's begin! Yeah, these will probably be fairly long as well just like my Ant-Man one, though this one likely won't be as long as that. Okay, so as I said, I watched the last episode of Jessica Jones this afternoon, and as satisfying as it is to finish a great show like that, it's disappointing since, well, it's over. Other people who binge-watch: you know my pain. If you were wondering what my viewing schedule was, on Friday I watched episodes 1-3, on Saturday I watched 4-6, yesterday I went all out crazy and watched 7-12, and like I said I watched 13 today. I'm glad it lasted me a few days since I really didn't want it to be over fast.

As you can see from the title, I've decided to split this into several parts (a lot, actually), since it's a TV show and not a movie like Ant-Man. I did this for two main reasons: if I did this all in one post it would probably be way too long, and two, I wouldn't be able to finish this post today so I would've left you for four days without a post, and I've only written 12 so far this month, which is an all time low. No, I don't listen to that band.

This first part will cover the first episode. I'll write a kind of fact file about each episode, and give it a rating out of five. I'll also include a cool, memorable quote from the episode and probably a picture (at first I was planning to write a plot summary for each episode but I decided not to since I can't remember the exact details of each 50 minute episode and I don't have time to rewatch them. However, if you want to know more detail about the episodes I recommend you either watch the show or look at this Wikipedia article with episode descriptions) and maybe my favourite part of the episode (or at least one of my favourites, in some episodes it'll probably be hard to choose). Oh, and I will also include the episode synopsis, as shown on Netflix. I've said this before but the show is more adult-themed and dark than most of the stuff I usually write about, so don't read these posts if you feel it's best not to. Okay, without further ado, no holding back, for reals this time, no joking around, I can tell I'm really annoying you now... let's get this 'show' on the road. ;)

Episode 1: AKA Ladies Night

Synopsis: Jessica Jones is hired to find a pretty NYU student who's vanished, but it turns out to be more than a simple missing persons case.
Quote: "Knowing it's real means you gotta make a decision. One, keep denying it. Or two... do something about it." -- Jessica Jones.
Favourite Part: Near the end of the episode, when Jessica is walking down the creepy hotel corridor and has flashbacks about Kilgrave.
My Opinion: I think this was a good way to start off the series. We're introduced to Jessica, Patsy Walker, Luke Cage, Hogarth, and a slew of other recurring characters. Even though Kilgrave doesn't appear and is only mentioned, we can see how terrified of him Jessica is, and the episode leaves us wanting to know more about her history with him.
Rating: 3.5/5

I hope you liked this beginning part. When I do a 'My Thoughts On' for TV/Netflix shows in the future (*cough*cough*Daredevil*cough*) I think it'd be best to do it in this layout. After seeing David Tennant's great acting as Kilgrave in this show, I've actually been compelled to start watching Doctor Who again, resuming from where I left off after season 2. I'm watching the first episode of season 3 now.

Look out for part 2 of this tomorrow (or possibly the day after). When it's been uploaded, you'll be able to find a link to it here.

Also, I know that since this post just covers the first episode, this seems like this is going to take at least two or so weeks to complete since if I do one episode per part it'll take at least thirteen days. I decided to just include episode 1 in this post since I already wrote a ton of content in it and I don't have time to do more today since I really need to do some revision and some other stuff. But in future parts I might include two to three episodes, instead of just one. This is just a possibility, and I'm not promising anything since this takes longer to write than it looks. But yeah. Maybe.


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