Thursday 19 November 2015

Thanks For Any Support (#144)

I just wanted to say thanks to all those who have been reading my blog. I know not many people have seen this yet, and again, one of the main reasons I do this isn't to get views and attention but to record interesting parts of my life to look back at in the future, while at the same time writing about things related to games/films/comics and other things like that, so that other people on the internet who don't know me personally can still understand all or at least most of the stuff I talk about. Even if some of it is personal and unbelievably random. In fact, as of this moment, the blog has 3001 pageviews, and even though I'll admit that a couple hundred of those are probably actually from me since I always like to open the blog in a new tab when I publish a post to see that it looks good and check it for any faults, that's still a lot of times when people online have possibly clicked on my blog.

I just realised that in a year or so, when the blog reaches 9001 or
more pageviews, I'm going to have to make a hard choice whether
to make that obvious joke or not. Let's be honest; I probably will.

By the way, since this is very relevant, remember that 'mysterious +1 person' I mentioned a few months ago? Well, I still don't know who they are, but they're still +1-ing a lot of my blog posts, so thanks, mysterious friend. I got my first +2 the other day, though I know who one of the two people are.

It might seem tiny and insignificant, but it's a small step and it shows that this blog project is getting more recognition, even
if only slightly. 

Also, I kind of forgot to mention this on here, but R.I.P. to the victims of the recent terrorism incident in Paris. I know I don't really talk about real life news on this blog, and I'd like to keep things that way, but I just wanted to say that, well, I'm sorry to hear about it. Tragic.


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