Saturday 14 May 2016

A Short Rant On Spoilers (#194)

I started watching Arrow and the Flash again a few weeks ago, and I've been enjoying it a lot. I've not really been watching any at weekends but I've mainly been watching an episode of either show before I go to school in the morning on weekdays. I've watched the first five episodes of both Arrow Season
3 and the Flash Season 1, and I'm intending to watch more this week (although I might use that time more for revision instead... nah, let's face it, probably not). But recently a lot of the people at my school who are more up to date on both shows, particularly the Flash, have been spoiling things by talking about recent events in these shows to people in a voice that is more than loud enough for me to hear. And when I say recent events, I mean deaths, relationships, new characters, etc, which means I now already know about a lot of future major events on both shows which puts me off watching them a little bit since I know what's going to happen. The thing is, a lot of the time people know that I've only just started watching but don't seem to care enough to talk about massive spoilers a bit more quietly. I guess spoilers just bother me a lot more than most other people especially since fiction (eg. TV shows, video games and movies) is pretty much one of the most important things to me in life. I don't dislike or hold grudges against people who spoil things like this (at least when it's accidental or not on purpose to ruin things for me) but still, people could just be a little more considerate, please...? :P

Sometimes it'd be nice if people could stick these
over their mouths. Just out of courtesy, of politeness.

I completed Sonic Generations on PS3 today. It only took me a day because the story is short, but I'm actually considering getting 100% on it, just so I can unlock all the great music from all the Sonic games. I also went to watch Civil War again with Jamie in 2D. It was a very nice day.


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