Tuesday 29 September 2015

Replaying Pikmin 3... For Like The Third Time (#114)

In the past couple days, I've been playing quite a large variety of video games. About a week ago (don't even make that joke I swear to god) I started replaying Xenoblade Chronicles which I've stopped playing for a while. It's not that I got bored of it or anything, yesterday I accidently pressed the power off button on my Wii U console without meaning to and I hadn't saved for a while after doing a ton of side quests. So that put me off it a little bit, even if it was due to my own stupidity. I'd also been playing Fire Emblem Awakening quite a bit until about a week ago (honestly, I swear. Don't do it) and after getting up to about Chapter 8, I just stopped for a while. Like Xenoblade, I will definitely play it again in a few weeks or even months and pick up from where I left up. I just feel like if I force myself to play those two games when I really don't feel like it I'm just gonna hate it. Oh, and I also played a little of Kid Icarus: Uprising, which is an absolutely great 3DS game by the way, I would say it's one of my favourites if not my favourite 3DS game.

Anyway, due to my favourite Let's Player (and one of my favourite YouTubers in general really) doing a series of it starting a few days ago, I decided to start playing through Pikmin 3 again which I got around last November/December. I've tried playing through it a couple times now but since I have fairly major OCD when it comes to video games I always quit when any Pikmin die or I just have a bad day in general (a day in Pikmin 3 that is, not in real life... that'd be a 'lil dumb) which is, to be frank, most of the time, because I'm bad at real time strategy games it would seem. But yeah, I did start playing it again, and so far I have my exact Pikmin count the same as the guy who's let's playing it. Obviously, this did take a couple of attempts, and I may have rage quitted yesterday morning after failing. Though in my defence, I was under pressure about the fact that if I didn't stop playing soon I could miss the school bus.

Those may look like enormous fruits, but the Pikmin are tiny
so they're actually average size.

I also got the first Thor movie on Blu Ray today. Finally! I've had a Blu Ray since like the 2nd or 3rd of last September and still didn't get this until now despite having all the other MCU films on BR for ages. I got Age of Ultron about two weeks ago if I didn't mention that.

Sorry but I gotta say it....
Hammer time.
Expect a post about a cool Japanese-style game (and a pretty popular one at that) that I got today coming later or tomorrow (probably tomorrow let's be honest), and also a post about the let's player I mentioned in this post.


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