Friday 11 March 2016

I'm Back, Let's Catch Up: The Future (#152)

Okay, so after that brief (well, actually, not brief at all) recap of all the stuff that's been going on since my 'departure' nearly four months ago, here's a much shorter post about the way in which Awesome Fantasy News will be different this time around.

Now, this is the main thing: as you may know, one of the reasons I quit this back in November was because I started to not have much time for this as a result of excessive school homework and revision (ugh, that hasn't changed much) and the number of posts I was making each month kept steadily decreasing. I felt bad for not making enough updates and I just stopped because I couldn't be bothered dealing with it, which sounded stupid because literally nobody was pressuring me about it. I guess I just feel naturally guilty about stuff like that; I'm not going to go over it loads here because I talked it about it a ton in post #150. I guess I'm kind of stalling here, so the point is, updates will be a lot less frequent this time around. Instead of doing at least one post every three days, I'm only really going to be updating when I feel like what I have to say is actually or important or I'm actually to mood to say something instead of just doing it for the sake of it. It won't really be different from before, trust me, I'll probably just be making new posts less often. That said, I'm trying not to promise anything here because how stuff goes wrong for me, but I will be trying to do at least one post every two weeks. I know that sounds like practically nothing; only two posts a month?! But again, emphasis on the 'at least'. I''ll probably be doing more, especially at times like now when I have a lot of ideas in my head since I just restarted and there's lots to do/say. It's just that at other times, when I really can't get in the mood for it, I won't have to update. Plus, like I said last time, I have write a lot of homework and revision to do as well. Oh crap, that reminds me, I have history homework. Damn it, Ho Chi Minh! (Google it)

That was the only thing I really needed to say. But something else I could talk about, something that made me pretty happy, was that the other day, I checked to see if my blog had gotten an increase in views even without me posting for ages. And I saw this.

Over 6000 pageviews.

Wow... Thank you guys so much, thanks to everybody who's ever clicked on this blog, even if it was only once or twice. Every time you read one of my posts, it means more than you might think. Also, if you're wondering why it says the blog has 154 posts, it's because I have four posts that are still drafts. Including this one and post #151.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I hope anybody that likes this lil' blog will be glad it's back, even if it won't be updated as much. I also changed the blog description a little bit:

I'll leave you with this song that I'm listening to right now. It's in The Amazing Spider-Man (which is not a bad film, by the way).


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