Monday 15 August 2016

Moving On (#212)

Hey. So, last November I made a post about how I was deciding to end this blog since it was becoming a bit much for me to spend time writing long posts about things and how I often could barely think of things to say. However, after about four months of no posts, I decided to come back to this and write about news again, and more often my life in general, even though I often couldn't find the motivation to write posts.

Well, as you've probably noticed, that's been happening really badly recently. It's been over two weeks since I made a post, and even though I was on holiday for a week, that's the longest I've ever gone without making one apart from when I ended the blog. And that's not very good. I really, really, genuinely hate to say this, but... maybe it's time for me to say goodbye again. I know that sounds really bad, especially considering that I promised that I would try my best to work harder this time, especially with the really great amount of views I've gotten on here (over 10,000) but I have to admit something and be totally honest with you here. Like I said, I just struggle so much with finding the effort to write posts, even small ones that shouldn't take that much time, but I just keep putting it off and not wanting to. I'm really not sure why but it's just a major problem for me. I think part of it may be that whenever something important related to video games or movies that I'm interested in is announced, I instantly feel the need to make a post about it, but again I just can't motivate myself and then I end up never doing it. Some example of posts I've wanted to make in the past month or so that I just never could get myself to write include my plans for playing the Final Fantasy series which I talked about a little in post #211, how much I've been deeply enjoying the Kingdom Hearts series recently, the Justice League and Wonder Woman trailers that came out weeks ago (which are basically old news now anyway) as well as the Rogue One trailer that came out a couple days ago, the fact that last week I watched the original Ghostbusters 1 and 2 for the first time, the fact that I've really gotten into DC comics lately, and loads of other stuff.

But, for now, I think I should just officially end this blog again because making no posts in nearly three weeks is just ridiculous, and I have to apologise for that. Perhaps, like last time, I will return to this blog in the future. This definitely does NOT have to be a be-all end-all. I just feel it's better this way, especially since sometimes I'll be playing a video game I'm really enjoying and then remember that, oh crap, I haven't posted in way too long but I just can't find the effort to. It's like a vicious cycle.

However! This part is very important. This does not have to necessarily be the complete end of it all. I've talked before about my YouTube channel which I started making videos for a couple months ago, and now that I no longer have to focus on this blog, that is going to be my main priority. But since I'm not going to be using this blog, I do have plans to possibly make some videos in the future about the types of things that I've talked about on here before. My main ideas include top 10 lists, maybe some kind of reviews or just videos talking about video games/movies, stuff like that. I also have plans for a video that will come out at the end of this year if I decide to make it, about all the video games I own, which will be like a better version of the fiftieth post on this blog that I made over a year ago. I also have completed short let's plays on my channel and am nearly halfway through a playthrough of Super Mario 64. There are quite a lot of other games I'd like to make on there in the future as well. If you're reading this, and you're into video games at all, or if you've just enjoyed this blog in general, I would really appreciate if you would continue to support me by checking out my channel right here. I don't mean to turn this into some sort of massive advertisement, it's just that one of the reasons I'm deciding to move on from my blog is so that can get more attention and if it doesn't become at least a little successful then ending this will have partially been for nothing.

Anyway, whether you continue to follow me through my YouTube channel or if you'd rather not, I deeply thank you for reading this far into this post. Everybody who has every visited this site has my deepest thanks, and like I said, this blog has become a little popular. I think one of the first things that comes up on Google when you type in 'Official Nintendo Magazine Tribute' is one of my posts, so that's really cool.

Thank you all so much!


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